Our Brand Promise
We aim to sustain the growth of your business competitively by being your reliable and responsible business partner, providing you integrated high-quality agro solutions.
About JOCANIMA Corporation
JOCANIMA Corporation is a key innovator and provider of quality agrochemicals to top multinationals and big distributors nationwide. Started in July 2001, our company has been utilizing extensive resources and expertise developed over the past years in collaboration with reputable international companies.
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Product Lines
Herbicides – Chemicals for the control of weeds or unwanted plants.
Molluscicides – Chemicals against the golden apple snail, locally known as kuhol.
Insecticides – Chemicals for the control of insects.
Fungicides – Chemicals that kill fungi (include rusts, mildews, blights, and molds)
Fertilizers – Compounds given to plants to promote growth.

Jocanima Corporation Supports Davco’s Sagip Kalikasan Project
Davao City Agriculture Office Head Leo Avila, more popularly known as “Happy LA,” within the industry, congratulated and encouraged the organizers and participants of the Davao Agricultural Ventures Company (DAVCO) SAGIP KALIKASAN tree planting project. The project’s goal is to help ensure sustainable agriculture in the city by planting more trees. DAVCO, in partnership with JOCANIMA Corporation and other civic groups, planted a total of 2,500 seedlings of fruit-bearing and forest trees, on the hills of Baranggay Cawayan, Calinan, Davao City last September 18. “We acknowledge that water is a very important resource especially for agriculture [which utilizes] 70 – 80% of water. And one of the important strategies of holding water and to ensure a sustainable agricultural program of the industry is to plant more trees,” Avila said. DAVCO Assistant Vice President Edito Cayanong concurred with Avila’s opinion and committed to continue the CSR program, saying that “the more we conduct tree planting [activities], [the more] we help in protect[ing] and develop[ing] the environment.” With the recent activity, DAVCO was able to plant 5,000 of the targeted 8,000 seedlings for this year. Baranggay Cawayan Head Cornelia Belarmino affirmed that it has been a continuous joint project of the company with the baranggay to protect the environment, “Dagko na ang uban [halaman] nga among gitanom [The seeds that we planted are already big].” The University of Immaculate Concepcion (UIC), which adopted Baranggay Cawayan for its environmental programs, shall monitor and ensure the healthy growth of the newly-planted seedlings. The seedlings include puyat durian, mango, mangosteen, mahogany and narra. DAVCO personnel shall also visit the said area from time to...
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