Our Brand Promise
We aim to sustain the growth of your business competitively by being your reliable and responsible business partner, providing you integrated high-quality agro solutions.
About JOCANIMA Corporation
JOCANIMA Corporation is a key innovator and provider of quality agrochemicals to top multinationals and big distributors nationwide. Started in July 2001, our company has been utilizing extensive resources and expertise developed over the past years in collaboration with reputable international companies.
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Product Lines
Herbicides – Chemicals for the control of weeds or unwanted plants.
Molluscicides – Chemicals against the golden apple snail, locally known as kuhol.
Insecticides – Chemicals for the control of insects.
Fungicides – Chemicals that kill fungi (include rusts, mildews, blights, and molds)
Fertilizers – Compounds given to plants to promote growth.

A Decade of Excellence
LAS PIÑAS CITY, PHILIPPINES – JOCANIMA Corporation (JC), one of the country’s leading providers of quality agrochemicals nationwide, celebrated its 10th Year Anniversary at the Penthouse of the JC Main office in Las Piñas City last July 26. A thanksgiving mass officiated by Monsignor Roberto Guiuan, marked the beginning of the celebration. In his opening remarks, JC’s President and CEO, Mr. Celso Evangelista, emphasized on the idea of “looking beyond the present and helping one another to realize the goals of the company.” The speech was immediately followed by ceremonial cutting of cake led by Mr. Evangelista and SVP for HR and Finance, Mrs. Josefina Evangelista. Of course, any JC celebration won’t be complete without a salu-salo amongst the JC Las Piñas and ECVPI employees. An audio-visual presentation, created by HR Assistants Jerome Zorilla and Jhunie May De Torres and IT Assistant Eleazar Ycay, was also played. This elicited a lot of wide grins amongst the employees, especially those who have been a part of the JC family for more than three years or so. After the sumptuous meal, select employees were asked to share their funniest JC encounters, experiences and stories via “Laglagan Time” – the celebration’s most hilarious highlight. To add excitement to the festivity, the HR department also raffled off JC items and other exciting goodies to employees. The celebration ended with a few wise words from SVP, Josie Evangelista. It was indeed a fitting celebration to commemorate JOCANIMA’s first ten years of success! An Account of JC’s 10 years Established in July 26, 2001, JOCANIMA Corporation started with one “Cels.” Since then, the company continues...
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