Our Brand Promise
We aim to sustain the growth of your business competitively by being your reliable and responsible business partner, providing you integrated high-quality agro solutions.
About JOCANIMA Corporation
JOCANIMA Corporation is a key innovator and provider of quality agrochemicals to top multinationals and big distributors nationwide. Started in July 2001, our company has been utilizing extensive resources and expertise developed over the past years in collaboration with reputable international companies.
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Product Lines
Herbicides – Chemicals for the control of weeds or unwanted plants.
Molluscicides – Chemicals against the golden apple snail, locally known as kuhol.
Insecticides – Chemicals for the control of insects.
Fungicides – Chemicals that kill fungi (include rusts, mildews, blights, and molds)
Fertilizers – Compounds given to plants to promote growth.

Jocanima Introduces Diligent 720 WP
JOCANIMA Corporation introduced Diligent 720 WP in selected areas of Mountain Province last August 16 to 18. Diligent 720 WP is the latest product from JOCANIMA that helps fight the late blight disease in potatoes. It combines the active ingredient metalaxyl which is specific against Oomycete pathogens, with Mancozeb, a broad spectrum fungicide. The launch events were aimed to educate hundreds of potato farmers, big land owners (BLOs) and product dealers in the area about the late blight disease in potatoes, its effects and impact on farmers’ income and to answer the important question of how it can be prevented. Present in all events were Prof. Lyle Daniel Baconguis, Regulatory Affairs and Product Development (RAPD) Technical Consultant; Ronald Acedillo, National Sales and Marketing Manager; Jefferson Sotto, Sales and Marketing Assistant; Juan Miguel, Field Services Coordinator; & Julius Tipocsa and Elnato Panaten, Crop Protection Specialists (CPSs) for Benguet. Among the areas visited by the JOCANIMA team were Bauko, Bugias, and Atok. Diligent premium items such as T-shirts, slippers, and lighters were distributed to the participants. Prof. Baconguis delivered the lecture followed immediately by product testimonials, Q & A and product...
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